Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 2014

Well it definitely feels like I just sat down to write one of these things yesterday - of course, with everything that is going on, I'm pretty impressed that I'm getting this out this close to the start of the month!

Update for Matthew

As was stated previously, our little guy has come a long way.  He's becoming more and more talkative (although we're still working on the whole language barrier thing) with everyone and wants to make sure that you know exactly what he's thinking about whatever it is going on at any particular point.  And we're starting to get a bit of temper too - definitely figuring out what it is that he wants...and if he doesn't get that, bar the door, because he'll let you know about it.

Update for Anna

We're getting closer and closer to the end of classes (for the Master's degree, at least).  Which makes for a pretty crazy schedule - but Anna's handling it like a champ.  Still not sure how she manages to take care of all of us, work, and go to class (and keep up with those classes).  But she does.  And we love her for it.

Update for Jay

Work is still in the gear-up stages for the next project, after hitting a few minor snags with some details.  However, we're still going strong and hope to be getting into the thick of design of the next phase of our program upgrade shortly.  Needless to say, that means that the smaller projects that we have floating around currently need to have determinations on if they're going to be able to be completed or put on hold made.  Which is always fun.  And super stressful.

With all that being said, if you're going to be in our area - please let Anna or I know so that we can try to get together for a cup of coffee and catch up!