Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 2013

Good morning everyone!

Things are pretty hectic up here - not terribly, but enough that we're noticing it.  We're in the process of getting the crib for Matthew at the moment, so the majority of the nursery developments are on hold until we acquire that rather important piece of furniture.  We did manage to find the decals that we're going to be putting up around the room, but until we get the centerpiece of the room and decide where that is going to be placed, the actual deployment of those are pending.  Anna's noticing more and more movement (for those of you who aren't followers of her weekly updates on her Facebook page) and is getting more excited and nervous as the time continues to count down towards the arrival of our VIB (yes, that means Very Important Baby - sue me).

Work is...calming down?  Not really, actually.  We're through the brunt of the first round of system testing for the new systems that we're implementing into the company and have found a ton of errors (surprise, it's system testing!) that we're needing to address before proceeding.  Needless to say, there have been a number of days that I've been here around 10-12 hours; most of them spent in front of a computer with headphones in to help with the concentration.  Thank God for Google chat (otherwise I think that Anna would have thought that I had run away or been kidnapped sometimes).  That all said, I'm getting really excited to see this little beastie come out from the lair and rear it's head on the go-live date.  It's certainly going to be an impressive setup...and hopefully it'll cooperate and work for everyone else as it does for us here in the planning stages.

Anna is getting through the preliminary stages of the dreaded Tax Season - and from the sounds of it, it's going pretty well for everyone.  I know that she's having to go in more and more (which isn't a huge surprise, given that, well, it's Tax Season) but overall she seems much happier and more comfortable with her position.  She's also (as far as I can tell) enjoying having the semester off from taking classes - even though, deep down, I think she sorta misses it (because she's crazy like that).

As usual, if you're in the area, please do not hesitate to give us a call or shoot us a text - we'd love to show you around our home and catch up with you.  We might even have you over for dinner, if we really like you. Possibly.  (Yes - that was sarcasm.  We'd probably let you stay with us, even if we didn't like you.)

But in all seriousness - if you're in our neck of the woods, give us a call so that we can schedule a meal and time to catch up with you (hopefully I'll be able to make it out of the office in time to see you too - but if nothing else, Anna would love to have someone other than Kyara to hang out with).