Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 2012 Update

So.  In my defense of being slightly late on this update - I was really waiting to have definitive news in regards to the new position at my job before I jumped the gun either way.  Needless to say, I got the job!

I'm going to be taking on the position of Business System Administrator for our new systems that will be going into place later this year to keep track of our lending programs and centralize the overall workflow of the departments that are involved with those products (for now).  It's going to be a huge position to fill - and the work alone might be more than either Anna or I are expecting...but the opportunity is none-the-less one that would have been insane for me to pass up.

Anna had her final last night for this semester and, from what I understood from our talk, everything is going great in regards to the school work.  She's gearing up for a rather intense summer semester and a subsequent fall semester (which hopefully won't burn her out).

In other news - we're still the planning stages of getting our cellar remodeled into an office for me and another guest room to give us more room upstairs for a nursery.  Hopefully we'll be able to start on that project here in the near future - though between the upcoming integration of my company's newly acquired institution out in the Colorado areas and Anna's classes/busy summer schedule, that might get a bit tough.

I'll be sure to keep everyone updated as much as possible as the new position begins to develop further in the days to come and (hopefully) will have the energy to post some photos of the 'W.I.P.' of the cellar as we move forward with the updates.

Love you all and hope that you all will have the opportunity to come visit us in the near future!

~ Jay ~