Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 2012

So the new year has come and passed (thankfully without too much injury done to any persons at the party).  In the short lull before the next round of visitors descend upon the house, I figured I should post an update and make sure that everyone is informed that we are all well and still present.  No Apocalypse least not in Kansas.

Work has really stepped up for me - and it only appears to be getting more and more busy with the purchase of two additional banks in the Colorado area.  Teams are already being formed at the office to plan for migration; though there seems to still be a ton left to pick up from the last go around, it's obvious that we're not going to be getting really any time to relax this year (and the way things are looking, this is going to quickly become the "norm" for business).  Which is awesome - because, especially in this economy, if you aren't're over and done for.

AC has her own work cut out for her...because the dreaded annual tax season has started to rear it's head.  She's already been pulling in hours trying her best to get everything in good shape for the upcoming insanity, and seems to be doing fairly well, all things considered (albeit with the expected "OMG" stress moments).

New Year in the New Home!