Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 2013


So we're finally done with the two weeks of running from one place to the next - and after counting the many, many blessings, it is with dead certainty that I say this:  It. Was. Awesome.

There were times that we both were so worn out from running from one thing to another and from one city to the next - but throughout it all, I think that Anna and I both felt that it was truly the most enjoyable manner in which to spend our vacation time.  From the awesome baby shower that my family threw for us when we visited Waco for Christmas this year to the sheer enjoyment that we all had over the New Year Eve, the one thing I remember is the sense of feeling that this was where we both belonged.  It is truly a blessing to know that your child, even before he is born, has such a loved and valued place in the world.

Needless to say, we're super busy with work and life in general (something about a new baby always makes things kick it up a notch).  We have started to arrange the new nursery for Matthew's arrival and are hoping that we'll have it mostly completed by the end of the month.  Anna has taken the semester off from school in order to give herself more time to focus on her work (remember it's tax season people!!) and baby Matthew's health.

Work has also started gearing up on my side - the upcoming system testing for our new programs start in the next few weeks and, as part of that, the preparations are beginning in earnest.  Hopefully I'll still manage to have some time for work around the house and to spend with Anna.

As usual, if anyone is ever in the area, please do not hesitate to give us a call so that we can try to have some time to catch up with you!