Saturday, February 28, 2015

March 2015

So not sure if I should play this off as being extremely late or early...because completely missed getting a post up for last month. Apologies about that!

Update for Matthew

This little guy. We're definitely starting to get into the age of "my way or else" - although he usually is pretty...reasonable about what he throws a fit over. Like when we take his shoes off before he was ready. Or make him food that he asked for, but it took to long (or wasn't what he really wanted).

In light of that, he's still a great little guy. He grows by leaps and bounds every time I turn around - learning new words and phrases every day it seems. He's loving the full-time daycare situation and can't wait most mornings to go over to see his friends and spend time with them. We have also started to really get into trains (as we call them here, "choo-choos") and are having a blast on the weekend visiting the local malls that have shops and restaurants which are exclusively train themed. And having the train station downtown is just a bundle of fun when we get a chance to go down there - he's in constant awe at the huge machines that he gets to look at and (in some cases) play with.

Update for Anna

Tax season. It's back and it's just as busy as I remember it for us. Anna is, when she's not sleeping or dealing with Matthew and I, working almost non-stop.

I know that she's stressed, but she still does a wonderful job of keeping everything together both at the house and in our lives. I am constantly impressed by her ability to keep Matthew at the top priority, even when everything around us seems like a whirlwind of chaos. I think the new schedule of full-time daycare has made it a bit easier for her to have a set schedule at the office though, which I'm sure is appreciated (I know that I like having a set plan of the week).

Update for Jay

While Anna has tax season, I get to experience implementation projects. Plural. Both of our schedules are crazy busy - something that sometimes makes it tough to get together enough calmness of mind to put together these posts (hence the missing of last month's update). These days are pretty much the same exact schedule for me - wake up and get Matthew over to daycare, get to the office, get as much work as done as possible before the end of the day, come home and try to get something to eat and catch a few hours of relaxation before heading to bed to start the cycle back up again. I'm enjoying the challenge that the projects are giving us - although the time crunch that we have been assigned is rigorous, especially when considering the number of different systems that we're looking to reconfigure and reintegrate with one another. But it'll get done.

As is usual - if you're in our area or plan on passing through, let us know so that we can try to get together and catch up on all that has happened!

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