Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 2012

Well, after a month in the new position here, I have to say - this job is awesome. I really enjoy working with people that; (a) appreciate the effort that I put forward in the workplace, (b) legitimately enjoy my company, (c) are actually team players who are capable of carrying their own weight, and (d) don't expect me to do the entire thing by myself.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a walk in the park - far from it actually.  We're having to basically walk through an entire system and design each feature as we come across it, while making sure that the overall scheme of the program doesn't compromise a laundry list of compliance issues and still makes sense to the end-users (many of which are not as technologically savvy as the common coder/designer).  I cannot give justice to the immense amount of work that we have both accomplished and still have ahead of us in the months/years to come as the project unfurls.

Anna is also having her own 'crunch-time' with her summer schedule - she's taking two graduate-level courses in Accounting (don't ask me what the titles are...they make my head hurt to even try to keep up with her when she's on a raging rant about the workload and content of the lectures) over the summer semester - which basically translates into a huge amount of information crammed into an itty-bitty time frame.  (And yes, that was an Aladdin reference for those of you who are actually paying attention to my rambling for this month)

In other news - we're nearly done with the painting of the main section of the basement remodeling project.  All I have left are the cabinets and door/window-frames and we'll be done with that room (which leaves the closet and the hallway to paint before we move onto getting the new floorboards down).  However, this last weekend, our neighbor accidentally flattened our 'grill patio' (as I fondly refer to the dilapidated structure in our back yard) with a tree that they were in the middle of trimming.  Which means that we're going to have to get that repaired sometime this month so that we can have everything in a semblance of order before we start getting things together for our newly made tradition of the Annual Crenwelge Household New Year's Eve Party (see the Facebook page event for said tradition).  The good news is that this basically gives me the excuse that I was looking for to tear down the remaining pieces of the cover and rebuild a larger and more hooka-smoking-friendly enclosure.  More details will be sure to be posted as we plan/install that piece of our house, I'm sure.

As usual, be sure to drop us a line if you're in our area of the country and need a place to stay or a warm meal and some friendly company!

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