Monday, July 11, 2011

June 2011 Update

So there has been quite a bit of activity this past month, as you can probably tell from the delayed posting here - between the multiple trips to Texas (more for AC than myself) and our multiple plans on the weekend, not to mention the additional hours that we're pulling during the work week, it is a rare thing for us to have time to sit down and reflect upon the things that are occurring each day.

That isn't, however, to say that we haven't been planning - in fact quite a bit of our "free-time" this month has been spent researching what we need to get done to purchase and move into a home.  This apparently is no small feat (big surprise there) and is by no means an inexpensive endeavor - not to mention the minimum requirements of time that one is expected to spend is daunting to say the least.  However, we are both muddling through the process fairly well and, hopefully, will be submitting an offer before the end of August at the absolute latest (our apartment is requiring that we submit our intentions of staying or leaving by the end of this month...which creates an interesting period of time in which we're going to have to gamble somewhat).  But we're both hopeful and pretty confident on the agent that is helping us find a reasonably priced home - so hopefully here pretty soon we'll be putting up oodles of new photos and boring all of you with tales of real estate wonders.  ^_^

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