Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 2014

So as many of you know, Matthew's birthday was this month - which basically means that we've been pretty busy with family visiting.  So I'm pretty impressed that I am getting this update posted so soon.  We also just got back from visiting the Peytons for the baptism of their newest son the weekend we're definitely playing catch up on general rest and recovery.

Update for Matthew

Other than turning 1 (which was an awesome milestone to reach, btw), our little man has been growing more and more confident with his mobility.  He's truly becoming more and more interested in independent movement, although at the moment that is basically crawling and 'walking' with the assistance of his walker (or just about anything that he can easily push around and use as a 'walker').  He's also playing more and more independently (although sometimes this results in us needing to be more vigilant on what 'toys' he's discovering around the house) as well as becoming more and more interested in playing/cuddling with our dog - although she's still trying to figure out just how she feels about this.

Update for Anna

Anna is starting to gear back up for her return to the classroom here in the next few weeks - something that I know she's pretty nervous about...although she's going to be awesome (but don't tell her I said that).

She survived another tax season (this time with two people needing her to take care of them, instead of just me) and I know that this break between the end of the working craziness and the upcoming insanity of classes/work/taking care of Matthew and I is something that she's treasuring.  So hopefully we didn't stress her out too much with all the traveling and partying that Matthew and I did over this last weekend (there was cake.  And lots of sugar...)

Update for Jay

While I don't have the excuse of more classes to explain my running around and forgetting just about everything that I do after 12 hours have passed (which is why we have checklists, smartphones, and emails, right?) - I can't deny that it's been an eye-opening experience.  I never realized how much is needed to keep something alive and moving...or that it was something that our team was capable of (trials by fire are truly...interesting).  That being said, the experiences are not something that I would give up - they have truly opened my eyes to what we are capable of when we get pushed to the line and asked the impossible.  Our team has risen to the challenge each time (even those that require some extra coffee and burning the candles at both ends in order to keep up at the office and at home).  I couldn't be more proud to work with who I do or more impressed at what we've managed to accomplish.  And it only looks like we're going to be moving forward.  That's what truly is exciting - not what we've accomplished, but rather what lies in store for us to conquer.

As usual, please let us know if you're in our corner of the world - we'd love to catch up with you!