Well this is probably going to be a pretty short update - to be honest, Anna and I have both been super busy at work, so there hasn't been much that has occurred for us since last month's update.
Update for Matthew
As many of you saw on Facebook in these past couple of days, Matthew has finally started getting more and more impatient about not being able to move around himself, and has started to really show some interest in walking. Just this morning, we stroller-walked around the house for about 20 minutes - with the only assistance needed when it came to making some turns and transitions between our carpet and hardwood floors.
He has also started to eat more 'grown-up' food, mostly due to his not really being all that interested in baby food other than his cereal (which we're having to supplement with the fruits and veggies due to his not wanting anything to do with them on their own when they're pureed). It's pretty fun to introduce him to some of the more basic foods that we eat (mostly rice, mac and cheese, some meats from time to time, and, one of his favorites, stew).
Update for Anna
Again, this update is pretty much summed up with the phrase: "Tax Season." Anna has been running nearly full speed for the past couple of months - and it doesn't look like she's going to be able to slow down until at least the end of April...at which time, of course, her classes are going to resume. Thankfully, she and Matthew have both seemed to gotten over the never-ending bug that was plaguing them finally, which means that her energy is starting to somewhat come back (although between the tax season and having a 10 month old demanding her attention, I don't quite understand how she can move without an inordinate amount of coffee to assist her).
Update for Jay
Work is definitely starting to pick up for me as well, with most of the preliminary planning complete, we're now starting to identify which gun barrel we're going to be staring down for the foreseeable future in regards to oncoming projects for the next phase. Which is both exciting and rather daunting at the same time - sometimes the sheer amount of information that is required to be processed is rather unnerving...especially when it feels at times that there isn't enough hours in the day to get the tasks that we already have on our plates finished. But our team is amazing, and we haven't come up against anything yet that we haven't been able to overcome, so my hope is that, while it's tough, we're going to continue that track-record.
As is usual, I want to invite anyone who's passing through the area to give us a shout - we'd love to see you and catch up (and, in light of this weekend's forecast, give you shelter from any literal storms that are about to hit our small corner of the world).
Update for Matthew
As many of you saw on Facebook in these past couple of days, Matthew has finally started getting more and more impatient about not being able to move around himself, and has started to really show some interest in walking. Just this morning, we stroller-walked around the house for about 20 minutes - with the only assistance needed when it came to making some turns and transitions between our carpet and hardwood floors.
He has also started to eat more 'grown-up' food, mostly due to his not really being all that interested in baby food other than his cereal (which we're having to supplement with the fruits and veggies due to his not wanting anything to do with them on their own when they're pureed). It's pretty fun to introduce him to some of the more basic foods that we eat (mostly rice, mac and cheese, some meats from time to time, and, one of his favorites, stew).
Update for Anna
Again, this update is pretty much summed up with the phrase: "Tax Season." Anna has been running nearly full speed for the past couple of months - and it doesn't look like she's going to be able to slow down until at least the end of April...at which time, of course, her classes are going to resume. Thankfully, she and Matthew have both seemed to gotten over the never-ending bug that was plaguing them finally, which means that her energy is starting to somewhat come back (although between the tax season and having a 10 month old demanding her attention, I don't quite understand how she can move without an inordinate amount of coffee to assist her).
Update for Jay
Work is definitely starting to pick up for me as well, with most of the preliminary planning complete, we're now starting to identify which gun barrel we're going to be staring down for the foreseeable future in regards to oncoming projects for the next phase. Which is both exciting and rather daunting at the same time - sometimes the sheer amount of information that is required to be processed is rather unnerving...especially when it feels at times that there isn't enough hours in the day to get the tasks that we already have on our plates finished. But our team is amazing, and we haven't come up against anything yet that we haven't been able to overcome, so my hope is that, while it's tough, we're going to continue that track-record.
As is usual, I want to invite anyone who's passing through the area to give us a shout - we'd love to see you and catch up (and, in light of this weekend's forecast, give you shelter from any literal storms that are about to hit our small corner of the world).