Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 2013

Another busy month for our family (and I’m sure most of you all can relate)!  Hopefully I get everything down that has gone on.

Update for Matthew:

We’re at 7 months!  He’s been getting a bit of "stranger danger" but with all the family members holding him over the Thanksgiving break, he got over that pretty fast.  He is growing so fast – not quite crawling yet, though Anna and I are pretty sure he has the strength to do it.

One of the cool things he does now is turn pages in a book.  I read to him every night before bed and every time, even when he’s not necessarily paying attention to the story, he wants to turn that page to the next one.  It's pretty adorable.  He has also recently started to drink out of a sippy cup, which is pretty hilarious – we haven’t explored too much with food (still on veggies for the most part, though we’re starting to introduce fruits now), but he loves to drink like the ‘big people’ do.

Update for Anna:

The semester is over, so Anna’s got a bit of a break (just in time to start getting ready for the insanity of tax season) to breath before she heads back.  I know she’s getting excited to be so close to getting done with the classes (and we’re not going to talk about the ridiculous test that she’s going to be needing to start studying for).

She also just got a new vacuuming robot (one of her Christmas presents) and is super excited about it (so anyone who has any advice or tips on how to best use one, shoot us an email!!).   So we’ll see how that turns out.

Update for Jay:

Not much is going on in my corner of the world – other than work and keeping up with Matthew, there isn’t much time left over for anything else.  November is always a bit insane around the office; throw in the new systems that we’ve implemented and we have a bit of an overflowing plate.  Though it was nice to have a solid break for Thanksgiving (I took off a few days to make it a 5 day weekend with my family coming in).

Other Updates:

Other than the busy holiday visiting schedules, not all that much occurred – though to be fair, there wasn’t much time left after all the visiting and eating for anything to occur.  We’ve gotten to put our fireplace to a bit of heavy use with the cold weather that we’re having (though most of you in the South have had it rougher than us, interestingly enough) and we updated our entertainment hardware (yay for Black Friday sales).  But that’s really the big things that have happened.  Now it’s time to start gearing up for the Christmas holiday!!

As usual - if you’re ever in the area, please let us know so that we can try to get out to see you or have you over for a cup of coffee/tea to catch up!