3 months! We’ve survived for 3 whole months with a baby!!
Which is pretty impressive, given the fact that in the last month I’ve been on a team at work that just implemented an enormous system that has taken over 1 ½ years to design. And Anna’s already getting amped back up to head back into classes (albeit a single class – because we want to ease back into the swing of things to prevent an overload). So we’re doing pretty fantastic for the most part. Is it hard? You bet your butt it is. But that’s part of the deal, right?
As far as updates for the month…yeah, did I mention that we’ve survived with a baby? How about also getting a baptism done, ordering and mailing out birth announcements, and hosting my family for nearly a week in the house? Oh and we’re also remodeling the front of the house (getting rid of the old, rundown deck that has dominated the front of the house since before we moved in and replacing it with a more simpler and easier to maintain concrete steps). Sooooo, we’ve been kinda busy. Not to mention, we’re having some great friends coming in this weekend to test how Matthew handles other babies (yes, Jessica and Parker – your daughter is going to be the first encounter with the infant species that our son is going to have. Enjoy that.)!
And, before I forget – everyone needs to sends congratulations to Liz and Dave for their newest arrival!
As usual, please please please let us know if you’re going to be in the area (text or phone calls work great as well as emails!) so that we can try to introduce you to Matthew!