So yeah. That's the reason this post is late. ^_^
I was waiting for Anna's approval to go ahead and make the announcement (which she had officially posted over on Facebook - amid much emotional explosions of happiness) before I posted our monthly update here in order to make sure that we didn't jump the gun and accidentally forget to tell someone.
So now that the major part of our update has been completed - onto the more boring and mundane pieces...of which, I honestly can't remember at the moment.
So yeah... short post (mostly due to the excitement that we're going through today at the great news from the doctors) this month. I'm sure I'll get around to posting something before our next scheduled meeting - but, as usual, no promises!
Oh - and there are more pictures on Anna's Facebook, in case anyone was wanting to get those. I believe that we're going to be updating the gallery over there ASAP whenever we can (in order to sate the hunger that so many people have expressed for instant updates on the status of everything).